Society of St, Michael, Lodge 121 R.B.O. Ambridge, Pa.

In the year of 1909 a group of men under the leadership of Samuel Shtekla, Peter Belchyk, Stephen Felk and Fred Durniak met and organized the present society, "Russian Society of Saint Michael, Lodge No. 121, Ambridge, Pa."

Through the efforts of these men and others to follow they have been able to fulfill the needs of our people and members of the lodge.

In a period of time they have been able to build and improve our lodge in which we could gather and hold meetings and many other recreational activities.

From the beginning of our organization to the present our members have been protected out of our treasury with sick and other fringe benefits. We strive and seek ways and means to help our people in every possible way.

At present the officers of our organization are as follows:

President — Anthony Mamrosh
Vice-Pres. — Paul Pyrch
Financial Sec'y. — John Jula
Recording Sec'y. — Steve Kocherzat
Treasurer — Peter Gula
Club Manager — Andrew Felk
Asst. Manager — Nicholas Bober

Officers and Trustees of the Russian Society of Saint Michael, Lodge No. 121, Ambridge, Penna.
Officers and Trustees of the Russian Society of Saint Michael, Lodge No. 121, Ambridge, Penna.

FRONT ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Andrew Nestor — Andrew Felk (Club Manager), John Jula (Fin. Sec'y.), Anthony Mamrosh (Pres.), Peter Gula (Treas.), Fred Durniak, Theodore Demay. REAR ROW LEFT TO RIGHT: Alexander Kocherzat, Matfey Basalyga, Nick Bober (Asst. Club Mgr.), Steve Kocherzat (Rec'd. Sec'y.), Andrew Loban, Michael Pasloskey, Anthony Syrko, Samuel Betley, Harry Roman, Peter Pawlack. REAR: Nick Papinchak, Bartender.